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​"As the path of the birds in the air or of fishes in the water is invisible, even so is the path of the possessors of wisdom."


                  ~ Mahabharata

As an intuitive counsellor, soul companion, spiritual director, teacher and healer since 1993, I work globally with a large clientele of international humanitarian and development personnel, in the areas of Intuitive Readings, Spiritual Guidance, Guided Imagery, Archetypes, Mysticism, Meditation, Energy Healing and Energy Readings, both with individuals and groups.


Life' challenges rarely come with an "instruction manual" and are always a catalyst for expansion and evolution into greater awareness and heightened frequency.  Through gaining clarity and receiving compassionate support, it is possible to access the deeper truths, core issues and blessing of each challenge.


The application of mystical wisdom and spiritual insight to every-day life situations can seem "lofty" and complex, and this is where I come in.  By helping you access your inner guidance and "soul speak", you will naturally and easily gain the expanded insight and deeper truth that you need, and by helping you to integrate this into your life in a very grounded, organic, yet empowered way, your life begins to transform, heal and change for the better.


​I help you achieve this integration through the use of very practical tools, advice and suggestions.  In this way, personal blocks, fears and limitations naturally transform, and you develop the greater Soul-stamina, internal Light and Grace that is needed to empower and transform your life.  This has the added benefit of flowing through into the collective subconscious of humanity, bringing Light, Grace and Empowerment to the conscious evolution of mankind and events unfolding on the Earth at this time.  It is at this point that we become, as Gandhi said, "the change we wish to see in the world".


It has always been my experience in life that there is higher purpose in every situation, event and relationship, and that nothing just happens by "accident".  So, if you have found your way to these pages, welcome and hopefully there is something here that you are seeking.


May I invite you to sit back and spend time browzing through this site, and should you find something that you are looking for, or if you simply have questions you'd like answered, please know you are welcome to contact me and I will do all I can to assist you.


Happy browzing!


Blessings and Grace from my Heart to yours...



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