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Breathe § Visualize § Empower § Heal



When we think of light we think of what it means to experience expansion, transcendence, radiance and brilliance.  


I have created ”Landscapes of Light” as a regular weekly mini-retreat and opportunity for you to get away from the stress and chaos of life for 2 hours every Thursday morning during the month of September 2019. 

In the beautiful and gentle space of The Yurt at Woolley Grange I will teach you how to relax, focus and turn your awareness inward in a particular way that allows you to transform your relationship with your body, emotional processes, mind and spirit.  

I will be teaching valuable insights for shifting perspectives and using oracle cards & essential oils to confirm what unfolds for you. There will also be free time for you to engage my intuitive skills for whatever arises for you.


These mornings will see you spending time in a safe and beautiful space with like-minded people, and leaving feeling renewed, supported, invigorated and clear, whilst making lasting and uplifting changes in your life. 

You are invited to attend all four weeks to bring ”wholistic” alignment and balance to all levels of your Being or feel welcome to drop-in to the individual sessions that feel most relevant to you.


If this feels right for you, and if you would benefit from strengthening your connection to yourself and therefore empowering your relationships, choices, and life-experiences, whilst being fully supported as you learn how to bring yourself into a more encompassing, lighter, healthier and happy alignment, I look forward to warmly welcoming you and making these journeys with you.  See you there :)






One morning per week for 4 weeks 




(To Be Advised)


Week One - Light in the Physical Body

Week Two - Light in the Emotional Body

Week Three - Light in the Mental Body

 Week Four - Light in the Spiritual Body




(To Be Advised)



(To Be Advised)



(To Be Advised)







Something warm and comfortable to sit on, a journal for notes, something to drink and an open mind for new possibilities :)




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